In a joint effort Korinsky and Seoul based visual artist Yuseok Bak set out to install an immersive audio-visual environment, driven by their mutual interest in exploring emotions. The work was presented at gallery unofficial preview. Through visuals and sound, the visitor is guided across manifold emotional states, from meditative, pensive moods to anxiety-ridden strains pushing the human psyche to its limits. There are many reasons which influence our mood and emotions. 
External faktors like overstimulation in big cities can make us mentally ill and affect our emotions intensively – Korinsky ask for the correlation between neuropsychology or intrinsically reasons and external stimuli.
Korinskys and Baks individual artistic practices harmonically fuse into one coherent aesthetic, allowing the visitor to embark on their personal self-reflective journey.
(Text: Johanna T. Wallenborn)